Services We Offer

Medical Services

One of the core beliefs of Regenerative Health is patient-focused care. This means that our approach to sports medicine can never be one size fits all.

Patient focused care begins with establishing a diagnosis based on a comprehensive medical and surgical history, reviewing past investigations and treatments, and considering these in combination with a patient’s present condition. By utilizing on-site ultrasound diagnostic imaging, we can arrive at a more accurate diagnosis and establish an efficient Pathway to Care, ensuring a shorter, safer and more sustainable recovery from injury.

We believe that individualized sports medicine is essential for injury management and keeps patients from advancing to invasive medical treatments and/or surgery.

Medical Consultation

In-Office Ultrasound

Many types of special imaging used in medical practice are static, which means the machine can’t account for patient movement and/or muscle contraction. Diagnostic Ultrasound allows the medical professional to observe the target while the tissue is moving, which can be critical in establishing an accurate diagnosis. This also means our procedures are guided, ensuring the physical or medical intervention hits its mark.

  • Barbotage is an ultrasound-guided treatment that removes calcium build up on tendons (calcific tendonitis). A small needle passes through the area multiple times to break up the calcium that will then be absorbed by the body over time.

  • Fenestration, a treatment for chronic tendon thickening and calcification, involves piercing the damaged parts of a tendon with a needle through the skin under ultrasound guidance. Repeated needling causes microdamage and bleeding in the tendon, promoting the inflammatory cascade and aiding the body to begin rebuilding the tendon.

  • HA injections, also known as visco supplementation, are non-surgical options for osteoarthritic conditions. HA is a naturally occurring substance in the body produced by your own joint cartilage to help lubricate the joint surfaces. Over time, and with damage, this fluid becomes less viscous, meaning the joint has less lubrication, thus resulting in pain and inflammation. Injecting HA into the affected joint helps to restore lubrication, reduce inflammation and control the symptoms of an irritated, inflamed joint.

  • Hydrodilatation is a non-surgical radiological intervention used in the management of frozen shoulder (also known as capsulitis or adhesive capsulitis). Frozen shoulder is caused by inflammation of the lining of the shoulder capsule and is often triggered by a minor injury or surgery. Hydrodilatation is a procedure where a clinician uses ultrasound to guide a fine needle into the shoulder with an injection of saline and anti-inflammatories to stretch the joint capsule and reduce the inflammation responsible for the frozen shoulder.

  • nSTRIDE® is an autologous protein solution (APS) containing anti-inflammatory cytokines and anabolic growth factors and is one of the latest biologic regenerative treatments used in treating knee osteoarthritis.

    To obtain an autologous solution, clinicians use a sample of a patient’s own blood cells. Once retrieved, white blood cells are separated from platelets in the sample and then concentrated in a small volume of plasma using the special APS kit. Once completed, the APC is then injected directly into the osteoarthritic joint.

    In osteoarthritic joints, inflammatory cytokines (bad proteins) are in higher concentrations than anti-inflammatory cytokines (good proteins). This imbalance leads to inflammation and gradual degeneration of the joint cartilage. nSTRIDE APS contains concentrated anti-inflammatory cytokines, which inhibit the activity of inflammatory cytokines in the osteoarthritic knee. This reduces inflammation and slows down or halts the degeneration of the joint cartilage.

    nSTRIDE is also rich in anabolic cytokines, which stimulate the synthesis of the cartilage matrix. Reducing inflammation and stimulating repair of the damaged cartilage tissue helps slow down or reverse the progression of osteoarthritis. Note that although nSTRIDE was initially indicated for treating knee osteoarthritis only, the manufacturer is now approving its use to treat osteoarthritis in other joints.

  • PRP is minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment that promotes healing without surgery. With PRP, a concentrated platelet solution is injected into the injured area (i.e., knee, tendon, etc.) to stimulate healing.

    To create PRP, clinicians use a sample of a patient’s own blood cells and place it in a device called a centrifuge that rapidly spins the sample, separating out the other components of the blood from the platelets and concentrating them within the plasma. Once the PRP is created, it is injected into the target area to accelerate the healing process.

    Platelets store the bodies growth factors that promote healing and our bodies natural response to injury is to send platelets from the blood to the injured tissue. When these platelets are injected directly into the injured tissue, they stimulate and enhance the body’s natural healing response.

  • Cortisone, a corticosteroid, is an anti-inflammatory substance that is used to provide fast-acting relief of inflamed muscles, joints, tendons, and/or bursa. Ultrasound-guided cortisone injections help to relieve pain, inflammation, and swelling. Common conditions treated with cortisone include hip, knee, and shoulder bursitis, tennis elbow, and joint arthritis.

Rehabilitation Services

Sport specialist chiropractic is a unique approach to musculoskeletal injury management where patients receive a full examination from their sport specialist chiropractor, which leads to a diagnosis and a specific Pathway to Care to address their injury, concerns and/or health goals.

Sport specialist chiropractors are highly educated and uniquely trained to provide expert assessment, diagnosis, and management of musculoskeletal conditions. In addition to a health science or kinesiology undergraduate degree and four-year Doctor of Chiropractic degree, the intensive post-graduate sports sciences fellowship can take an additional four years to complete. With over 1,500 hours of field work, academic focus on exercise physiology, sport nutrition, sport psychology, radiology, advanced imaging, rehabilitation, sport specific research, acute and chronic injury management, and sport administration training, the sports sciences fellowship provides the most extensive sports specialty training in the chiropractic profession.

Sport Specialist Chiropractic


Physiotherapy at Regenerative Health is uniquely tailored to address the needs of each patient through advanced manual therapy techniques and personalized exercise programs. Physiotherapists work 1:1 with each patient to focus on maximizing strength and function, injury prevention, and the promotion of health and fitness.

Physiotherapists are medical professionals who specialize in treating injuries and conditions that impact movement. Often with a health science or kinesiology undergraduate degree and a Master of Physical Therapy, physiotherapists have an in-depth knowledge of body biomechanics and specialized hands-on clinical skills to assess, diagnose and treat a variety of musculoskeletal conditions to promote, maintain and optimize movement.

  • ART is a non-invasive manual therapy that works to locate and quickly resolve soft-tissue disorders that cause pain and mobility issues or impairments. Through ART, scar tissue and adhesions are broken down to optimize function.

  • Acupuncture, commonly referred to as dry needling, is a treatment that involves puncturing the skin with thin, solid needles at specific anatomical points (also called acupuncture points, or acupoints) in the body to stimulate the nervous system for the purpose of symptom relief, such as pain, inflammation, or muscle tonicity. Inserting a needle into a tissue causes a local micro-trauma to the tissue which then stimulates a local inflammatory and healing cascade response from the body to aid in tissue healing.

  • A concussion is a brain injury that can affect how your brain works. Concussions may happen because of a hit to the head, neck, face or somewhere else on the body that makes the brain move quickly back and forth inside the skull. The brain can become injured if this happens. Falling, being in a collision, playing sports, or being hit by an object or person are some examples of actions that can cause a concussion.

    There are many potential health ramifications for individuals who have suffered a concussion. If managed appropriately, most signs and symptoms of concussion resolve spontaneously. However, complications can occur, including prolonged symptoms and increased susceptibility to further injury.

    While most people make a full recovery, a small percentage of people can go on to have persistent symptoms such as headaches or dizziness. Following proper return to work, learn or play guidelines, and receiving information about concussions, expectations of recovery, and strategies for symptom management can help to reduce the risk.

    There are three systems that need to be addressed after a concussion:

    1. Neurocognitive Care: Although widely accepted as such, rest is no longer considered the best approach to concussion care. Early intervention of various therapies can significantly improve recovery following a concussion. Through a thorough assessment and the right treatment approach, Regenerative Health can help guide patients safely and successfully through a return to learn, work and/or play.

    2. Neck Therapy: Almost every head injury involves a form of whiplash on the neck. The neck is composed of many tiny joints and each of these joints has ligaments, joint capsules, and related muscles, just like all of the other joints in the body. Much like an ankle sprain, these joint structures get injured during a traumatic event and trigger symptoms. Many of these symptoms mimic the symptoms of a mild traumatic brain trauma. Headaches, dizziness, balance, and blood flow abnormalities are symptoms of both concussion and neck injuries (or whiplash). Often, ongoing symptoms can be generated by the neck, which can be treated with manual therapy.

    3. Visual & Vestibular Restoration: Dizziness and visual disturbances are common following concussion. A rehabilitation program incorporating balance and visual rehabilitation may help to reduce symptoms such as dizziness, visual abnormalities, concentration issues and memory problems, among other symptoms.

    Concussions can feel daunting and changing protocols can be confusing. Our treatments assist with recovery and safe return to activity.

  • At Regenerative Health, we have learned that the missing link in full recovery is often the lack of, or the incompletion of, full rehabilitation of the injury or the dysfunction. A properly designed rehabilitation program will ensure that the involved tissue will regain its normal strength and tolerance to load. Often times the area of complaint is treated with either a therapeutic intervention or physical therapy and the patient is discharged. This usually results in a temporary solution and the patient will return with a similar complaint.

    Our team will design individual programs to help you reach your health goals. We will ensure that all the factors that led to your complaint are addressed and provide you with a plan for the best possible health outcome.

  • Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that creates a series of low energy acoustic wave pulsations that are directly applied with a gel to a patient’s injury through their skin. The energy promotes regeneration and repair of the bones, tendons, and other soft tissues.

  • Trigger point therapy is the treatment of myofascial trigger points, taut bands of skeletal muscles that produce pain both locally and to distant parts of the body. Treatment includes a Vitamin B12 and local anesthetic injection, followed by shockwave therapy to release tension in the muscle. B12 aids in restoring the function of the autonomic nervous system, which allows the taut muscle to relax and promotes blood flow to the area, which improves pain. Shockwave treatment supplements the injection to promote regeneration and repair.

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